
Pratisandhi Blog

Sex in the Media

A child’s perception of sex is tarnished by media exposure, which also fosters the notion that it is evil and filthy. Young adults base their concept of sex in a world that is far from reality because of the comfortable taboo that surrounds sex in our society. Many factors make the connection between sex and the media quite problematic. However, media has also been the only source of information for people whose households rule sex out as filthy and uncultured. Media, therefore, plays a very important role in influencing how sex is portrayed in society and in people’s eyes

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Is Age Really Just a Number?

There has always existed a glaring disparity between how Bollywood treats its male and female actors. The dual role of ageism and sexism in the film industry is becoming increasingly apparent with the female leads having a much shorter, so-called “shelf life” as compared to their male counterparts. Since when did beauty become synonymous with youth? Let’s decode how the two intersect to create a casting bias and exclusionary mindset toward women in cinema. Click here to learn more.

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BDSM things: Bad Depiction of So Many things

India has a long and mysterious history when it comes to sexuality. India’s diverse sexual landscape is front and center in its arts and literature. Read this blog to know how this media representation is helping to create awareness about kink in culture and fetishism as well as breaking down some of the traditional taboos associated with these topics.

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SACRED Project: A Program To Prevent Child Sexual Abuse

Pratisandhi has launched the launched the S.A.C.R.E.D (Sexual Abuse of Children: Redressal, Elimination, and Deterrence) Project to addresses and deliver comprehensive, educational sessions for children between the ages of 6-11 years of age on personal safety, consent, as well as safe, unsafe, and unwanted touches. We conduct sessions with the primary stakeholders in cases of Child Sexual Abuse: children, parents, and teachers across India and abroad.

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A To Z Of Endometriosis Explained!

Having endometriosis can be confusing and terrifying and isn’t the easiest topic to bring up with either friends and family or your doctor because of the extreme taboo associated with this condition. Read this blog to learn more about how to recognize and manage this.

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