
Volunteer With Us

Applications re-open in December 2024, fill the interest form to get notified!

As a youth-run nonprofit, volunteers form the backbone of Pratisandhi Foundation!
Volunteer involvement and youth mobilization is a crucial aspect of our identity.
As an organization run for and by the youth, we are committed to creating a platform where the youth are the leaders of change!

Volunteer applications are open bi-annually in December and June!

You can fill in the volunteer interest form to get updates as and when applications open!

What You Get on Joining Our Volunteer Network?

  1. Month-long training on sexuality education.
  2. New and exciting opportunities to engage and enhance skills in your area of interest.
  3. Personally contribute to creating impact and raising awareness about stigmatized discourses.
  4. Join an enthusiastic network of over 80 members and work with hands-on projects alongside national and international collaborations.
  5. Receive a certificate upon fulfilling the eligibility criteria.
  6. Receive a letter of recommendation on exceptional performance.