
Pride & Sexuality

Pride and Prejudice in STEM: LGBTQIA+ Left Out

Shirley Malcolm, a prominent figure in STEM once said in the 80s:
“ Science and technology are poorer for the loss of any talent because of personal attributes that are irrelevant to ability as scientists and engineers”. Have things changed since then?

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The Intersection of Queer Identity and Mental Health

The connection between queer identity and mental health runs deep and can be difficult, often because of prejudice from society and the struggle for acceptance. It’s really important to provide mental health support that includes everyone and to create an environment where everyone can be themselves and do well. As allies, we need to support the Queer community and help them feel strong and equal as they work toward accepting themselves.

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Pop Goes The Closet: Representation of LGBTQIA in pop culture

The media is more than a source of amusement. In addition to reflecting on society, it has had greater control over forming larger narratives. Over the years the representation of the LGBTQIA+ community in popular culture has changed in various ways and it has become a tool to represent, validate and acknowledge them

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Your Summer Reading-List

Need a couple of hard-hitting books to add to your never-ending TBR? We’ve got you covered! Here is a list of books on sexual and reproductive health rights to help you reach your reading goal this summer!

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