
Pratisandhi Blog

A Beginners Guide To Polyamory

Many believe that everyone should seek out their one and only “soulmate”. Many others believe that everyone should pursue only one romantic relationship at a time. In a society where monogamous relations are seen as the norm, other forms of relationships are gaining ground.

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A Reminiscent of Desire

A Reminiscent of Desire Warm weather, nearing sunset, is the best time to prepare dinner. Home grown produce comes in handy when you don’t want

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A Peachy Dream

A Peachy Dream I was on a date with a guy that I connected through tinder. So here I was, at ten in the morning,

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A Mangifera Love

A Mangifera Love “Come back soon, honey! I miss you already.” Vanessa sighed. She is 23 years old and is 4 months pregnant. Vanessa married

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