
Vishal Kumar Singh

Love reading literature and playing sports.

Infant Mortality in India

Infant Protection Day on November 7th focuses on raising awareness about child safety. Despite India’s high neonatal death rate, recent data shows a decline in infant mortality due to improved healthcare infrastructure. Factors like poverty, malnutrition, and lack of healthcare facilities contribute to high rates. Sex education plays a vital role, in promoting maternal and child health, reducing gender discrimination, improving healthcare access, and lowering fertility rates to combat infant mortality.

Coming to terms with Asexuality

Exploring the spectrum of human sexuality, our article delves into the multifaceted world of asexuality. Addressing common misconceptions, we emphasize that asexuality is a valid orientation, not a medical condition. From clarifying the asexuality spectrum to navigating relationships and expressing love beyond conventional norms, we unravel the diverse experiences within this community. Additionally, we distinguish between asexuality and aromanticism, highlighting the importance of recognizing and respecting the unique identities and desires that exist within these spectrums.

The “Why” of Consent in relationships

This article explores sexual consent’s importance in fostering healthy relationships. It debunks myths and emphasizes communication, enthusiastic agreement, and mutual respect. Misconceptions can lead to poor communication, diminished intimacy and various other factors. Addressing consent violations requires immediate action, apologies, education, and seeking professional help, ensuring relationships thrive on trust and empathy.

Exploring the Future of Male Birth Control

Exploring the male contraception’s evolving landscape, the article outlines hormonal advancements, including injections and pills, and non-hormonal options like RISUG, IVD, and a sperm-reducing vaccine. It emphasizes efficacy, reversibility, and convenience. The article underscores ongoing research’s potential to reshape family planning by offering diverse and innovative male birth control choices.