
Vasectomy: Beyond the Vacillation

“Hushh! Even the walls have ears! Let’s not talk about it”…Well! Then let’s come out of those very walls today for a healthier discourse on a simple yet much-ignored topic of “vasectomy”! Intrigued by its complex name yet wondering to google it out on the right tab, right? Relax, you can just read on, as we decode this seemingly complicated notion together. In an epoch, where family planning is encouraged, yet discussing sex at the dinner table is a nightmare; it’s quite probable for one to restrict the domain of contraception to the role of people with vaginas exclusively, especially in terms of surgical operations. It is from this point that we delve into the issue of vasectomy or “male sterilization.”

Decoding Vasectomy

However intimidating the term might sound, in reality, vasectomy is a safe, effective and permanent method of birth control for people with a penis vis-à-vis the tubal ligation for women. It is generally performed under local anaesthesia, also known as “conscious sedation” aimed at blocking the sperm or male reproductive cells produced in the testicles from mingling with the semen that is ejaculated from the penis. In the status quo, sperm gets stored in the epididymis, where they mature before being capable of fertilization, after which they flow through long thin tubes called vas deferens which empty themselves into the urethra. At the time of vasectomy, vas deferens are cut so that the sperm content in the semen is removed, thus, even though the semen ejaculated tastes and looks similar, they are not capable of fertilization any further. Hence, conscious planning and aware decisions can be the key to healthy and safe pleasure!

Source: Pixels

Bursting Bastions

  1. Bursting Bastions:-

Primarily, the crucial decision of vasectomy must be well-thought-out and be consciously undertaken as it, though at times reversible, can have multifaceted repercussions. Hence one should consider weighing the options of vasectomy when:-

  • One desires no further children and is certain of permanent contraception.
  • One whose partner has health risks in the case of pregnancies.
  • Either one or one’s partner is the carrier of genetic disorders and would not want their children to inherit.

Once you have taken the plunge, here are some myths to be busted regarding the same:-

1.The recovery period post-vasectomy is not very prolonged and normally, one can resume normal life in 2-3 days and have an active sex life in a week. 

2.Neither your sex drive nor your ability to have an erection or an orgasm is affected by vasectomy. Ejaculation will continue as before and you can seethe in your pleasure without any hindrances yet again!

3.Sterilization does not immediately follow vasectomy. Hence, other contraceptive methods are recommended for a period of approximately two months till the semen becomes sperm free.

Source: Practo


Generally, vasectomy has a very high success rate of about 99 per cent but such a crucial decision should only be consciously taken after due consideration of its consequences. Though there are alternative methods to reverse the process like surgical sperm extraction, in vitro fertilization and so on, they are more delicate, complicated and vulnerable. However, the fact remains that vasectomy stands as one of the simpler and safer alternatives to female sterilization. Proper dissemination of information regarding it, awareness and conscious decision making can go a long way in building our utopia of a healthier world, both in terms of discourse and in terms of appropriate sexual awareness. Thus, we work towards it, each day a little!

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  • Shreya Ghosh

    A second-year undergraduate student of history at Lady Shri Ram College for women, Shreya firmly believes in the power of the voice of youth in ushering changes. She often indulges herself in poetry, movies, and reading. She passionately works on issues of gender, stigma, and intersectionality to create a more aware society.

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