
Getting Frisky during Pregnancy, is it okay? Here's what you need to know

Pregnancy is a stage in an individual’s life which pushes them into a vulnerable state- both physically as well as mentally. Hence, this phase requires intimacy in physical and emotional form for the parents to cater to their needs. Intimacy during pregnancy helps the pregnant individual cope with the effects of hormonal change better and offers reassurance that is needed during the phase. 

Intimacy during pregnancy can be manifested in multiple forms. The article will deal with physical and emotional intimacy between partners.


Some couples find solace in physical intimacy during pregnancy and use it as a tool to make progress in terms of their trust in one another. Research suggests that it’s safe to have sex during pregnancy. Physical intimacy in terms of sexual intercourse might feel different when done during pregnancy, however, it normally doesn’t harm the baby as the baby is protected in the amniotic sac. However, if you wish to seek professional reassurance or you face abnormal bleeding, a visit to the doctor is recommended. 



The first trimester is the beginning of pregnancy and is marked by hormonal as well as physical changes. There might be a possibility wherein your partner would not wish to engage in physical intimacy due to fatigue, nausea etc. 



The second trimester might see a rise in physical intimacy as by this time, the pregnant individual gets comfortable with the symptoms and changes. Women might see an increase in their libido during the second trimester. AN article by NCT UK suggests that many women seek to make progress in their sexual lives by experimenting with their sexual fantasies. It’s viewed as a safer option to let the pregnant individual take the lead with the sexual positions to not harm the baby or put pressure on the womb. It’s normal for people to continue to not have a desire for physical intimacy during the second trimester. 



As the womb gets bigger, it’s crucial to find comfortable positions to pursue sexual intercourse. In the third trimester, women often seek comfort in physical intimacy apart from sex as it reassures them. Sexually, intercourse is hovered by a lingering fear of making the uterus contract for orgasms which makes women shy away from engaging in sexual activity. 


It’s advised to avoid having sex during pregnancy if you have placenta praevia, heavy bleeding, health issues related to the cervix etc. 

It’s crucial to use condoms while having sex during pregnancy as contracting any form of STI will be harmful for both the pregnant individual and the baby. It’s also advised to avoid any form of sexual intercourse if your partner has been diagnosed with STI. 

It’s normal to face changes in your intimate life during and after pregnancy. However, it’s crucial to deal with them by being empathetic, kind and maintaining communication. 



Pregnancy is a period which is filled with massive changes and often results in anxiety, body image issues, mood swings, fears etc. This phase, hence also witnesses many couples moving apart from each other for unexplainable reasons. This creates a need to be emotionally available for one another and provide each other with comfort to smoothen the crease of anxiety. 

Emotional intimacy can be manifested in multiple forms- 

  • It can be present in the form of gentle caresses to overnight conversations.
  • Building bonds by choosing the color palettes for the upcoming baby.
  •  Communication serves as the most important form of emotional intimacy. The couple must communicate and vocalize their anxieties to resolve them together. 
  • Talking about the future, your fears and expectations is the purest form of intimacy which strengthens the bonds. 
  • There are times when a woman doesn’t seek sex as the solution to void and not vocalizing this point becomes the cornerstone of a knot in the relationship. This can be easily resolved by being open to communication and vocalizing the needs. 


Since communication is crucial for sustaining emotional intimacy, it’s important to discuss the roles and responsibilities of parents to absorb the thrill of pregnancy. Couples should talk about their emotions about pregnancy, worries and concerns, the timing of pregnancy in their lives, how they want to be as parents, whether there are any rituals they’d want to perform upon the birth etc. Couples should also engage in making their relationship better by incorporating exercises like listening to each other, being there for each other, resolving conflicts together etc in their daily lives.


  1. Communicate the needs and expectations of the relationship.
  2. Value the pinch of intimacy that is hidden in the corners of your relationship. It’s crucial to understand that gestures that might seem normal before pregnancy start to hold more importance during and after the phase. 
  3. Get to know each other better. Pregnancy can be the time for many couples to know each others’ hobbies and participate in each other’s interests actively. It’s important to make time for a date night or two to keep the passions alive. 
  4. Keep the men a part of your pregnancy by making them get involved in your routine checkups, and letting them know about your experience of pregnancy.


Intimacy acts as a crucial thread to bind the relationship and weaves it into a stronger fabric. During pregnancy, one doesn’t have to push it aside and let the fears overwhelm them. Physical and emotional intimacy during and after pregnancy strengthens the bond of the couple and gives a better shape to their intimate life. At the same time. It’s also okay to not engage in sexual activity during or after pregnancy. Sex after pregnancy might feel different for many couples due to physical and emotional reasons. What becomes important to return to normalcy and ensure trust is to communicate and keep the spark alive.


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