
‘Where Do You Draw The Line?’ – A Workshop at Cambridge Foundation School

On Saturday, 21st July 2018, yet another workshop was conducted by our ever enthusiastic team at Cambridge Foundation School, Rajouri Garden. The participants were 250 curious learners from classes 4th and 5th. They were introduced to the concept of good and bad touch, taught how to differentiate between the two and deal with them. We also talked about safety rules and had several activities planned to really explain the concept of personal boundaries.

At the tender age of 10 when kids are transitioning into teenage, it is essential that they know the difference between the right and wrong kind of touch to understand and deal with the various situations they might find themselves in and make the right decisions. Boundaries are very important and this concept, if introduced at a young age can really change how teenagers conduct themselves in relationships and differentiate between what is acceptable and what isn’t.

The students at Cambridge Foundation School were great to teach and hopefully, are all a little wiser.


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