
domestic violence

Behind Closed Doors: The Underreported Reality of Domestic Abuse in India

During our busy lives, it’s easy to overlook the shadows that loom behind closed doors. Today, we invite you to explore a topic that often stays hidden—domestic abuse in India. It’s more than just numbers; it’s about the silent struggles of countless women.
This overview touches on the different aspects of domestic abuse against women. It’s time to break the silence, challenge the stigma, and collectively work towards a brighter, safer future.

Quaran-tame: Behind the Doors of a Lockdown

Quaran-tame: Behind the Doors of a Lockdown The conversation around the possible rise in cases of domestic violence stirred when the concept of a world-wide lockdown was still embryonic, and that possibility came true with the number of cases hitting its all-time high. Strict rules of quarantine were imposed to isolate and protect people from …

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