
Pride & Sexuality

Balancing Taboos & Awareness through China’s Guangzhou Sex Festival

A decade or two earlier, sex education was considered taboo. How did people then know about it? Sadly, many didn’t. Some did when they did the act, and a few through books and video formats. This lack of knowledge was extended to such an extent that China, a country known for being secretive in terms of political and societal matters, started hosting an event that promotes sex.

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LGBTQIA+ Depiction in Ancient Indian Texts

In light of the current narrative, it’s tough to imagine that the theme of homosexuality was even discussed as a part of our ancient Indian text. Well, you might be wrong there! So come along and let’s dive into the world of Ancient Indian mythology and its depiction of the non-heteronormative lifestyle.

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The Brands Go Rainbow!

As soon as June rolls in, we are all surrounded with rainbows and parades, but is the rainbow really all that there is to pride? Read on to find out how this rainbow is used to exploit the very people it represents.

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Rainbow in the Cloud

The article centers around how social media as a platform for the proverbial coming out of the queer community is gaining more and more traction by the day. Not only does it provide a voice to the often marginalized but also offers a host of other uses.

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Sex Positivity – The Side That Is Not So Positive

The article talks about the way societal narratives of sex positivity prove to be reductionist and exclusionary, how sex gets reduced down to a reproductive activity, and how there’s not much relief from the expectations the movement sets for people who do not identify with being vocal or overt about their identity vis-a-vis their preferences and experiences.

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